Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Present Moment is the Present Gift

Whatever comes to mind are probably the thoughts that have perpetually ruined my free perspective.  The free perspective is when I have absolutely no thoughts about the possibilities of tomorrow and I don’t care about my mind’s interpretation of what has already occurred.  In this free perspective, I accept all things as they are, appreciating the moment’s uniqueness, and allowing myself to enjoy everything around me.

I’ve recently arrived to a place of sincere gratitude.  Life will never go as I think it will and it’s a shame that we, as in the human race, don’t spend more time teaching each other these things.  Well, in actuality, we are doing just that but I would like to become a part of a community of people that are intentionally discovering their free perspective.

I recently arrived back to Atlanta from my “wilderness” period.  I have to say that I absolutely love this place and the people in it. My love ones are here and I believe with all my heart that there’s a special group of talent that exist here.  What do I mean by talent?  There’s a growing community of free spirits here and I have accepted that in order for me to “make it” anywhere, I have to start where I am.  I believe that everything in this life starts in the moment, because how can we possibly get that special “moment” that we’ve always dreamed of unless we start with the moment of NOW.

Every new moment has become a new opportunity for me to push a little harder to become present.  For how can any “star” shine without presence?  I can see the simplicities of life as they are and I welcome everything within every new moment with love.  I let go of all judgments, expectations, fears, doubts, and opinions, then I am able to consciously breathe life.  This is the stage of awareness that my heart longs for because in this place there is a surpassing of peace.

My grandmother has  recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, a distant aunt on my father’s side just passed away yesterday,  and, quite frankly, I’m low on funds.  All the while, I honestly believe that all is well and is working out the way it's suppose to.  I'm in a good space, in fact a much better space facing in this direction.   There’s something about this free perspective that deletes all my "problems."

What is it about this way of NOT thinking?  It allows me to consciously choose to accept things as they are and to make the choice to seek peace with the facts of life as they show up.  Accepting that everything is on its own timing. There’s nothing that I can do about these things except accept them.  I must accept them.  
Life’s too short to sweat the things I have no control over.  The times of life are unfolding as is, whether I agree with  what happens or not.

Worrying, doubting, questioning, and judging life is only a means to develop an opinion that ultimately doesn't matter.  But, thanks to the creator… we all have the power to change ourselves, our perspectives, our thoughts, our beliefs, and therefore, our lives which will automatically change others. 

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