When I’m around a new group of people, there are three things that I try to avoid talking about…gossip, politics and religion. As most of you have probably experienced, these types of conversations always end up in some type of pointless debate that may voice opinions but very rarely concludes anything. The war between Palestine and Israel that has been going on for thousands of years, being democrat or republican, and someone’s pointless opinion about someone else’s “problem” are a few examples of why I prefer not to discuss these topics with people.
So, I’ve been here at the camp for about three weeks now, and I’ve warmed up to many of them here and there have been many discussions around a wide range of topics that I choose to either tune into and not say a word… or, I might put my two cents in if I’m asked.
“You’re a Christian right?” one of my colleagues asked feeling quite assured.
I knew immediately that someone either told her something about me or she may have seen the few books I have in my room that include the “Holy Bible” and concluded that I was a Christian.
“Well, I don’t claim any type of religion but I do believe in the story of Jesus and the message he brought to the world.”
I knew I could’ve said a simple yes or no to end the conversation quickly, but there’s never an easy answer for me when it comes to this particular question. Not because I don’t know where I stand, but because the term “Christian” can be interpreted in many different ways and it comes with way too many assumptions and baggage. So I choose to say that I’m NOT a Christian or a representative of any other religion. I’m simply a child of the Creator who created me and the entire universe and beyond.
“Oh, someone told me you were a Christian so what exactly do you believe?”
“… Here we go,” I thought to myself. I’m still trying to figure out how to “word” this complicated topic within myself, but I decided I would answer it the best way I could, from an honest heart.
“Well, I believe that there is a Creator who creates everything we see and don’t see and the creator is Love. I believe that this energy of Love is all around us, in the trees, in the people, in the animals, in the air and there’s a balance within this energy that allows everything to happen as it does for a reason that we sometimes know and sometimes don’t know.”
She smiled and nodded her head as if she wanted me to continue.
“ When it comes to “Jesus” I believe that he was a great man and I believe that, yes he’s a Son of God whose purpose in life, like many other great people who came before and after him, was to deliver a wonderful message that, if followed, will SAVE you from the terrors of your own perspectives. Love is the only thing we should all be doing with ourselves and towards one another and all of the Creator’s creation. “
Nodding her head after every statement, I could tell that she understood me and agreed.
“That’s a great perspective. I’ve actually never heard it put like that before.”
“Well, that’s a relief,” I thought to myself. I’ve never heard me put it like that either.
I was beginning to feel those knots in my stomach again that always seem to conveniently come every time I talk about my religious beliefs. It’s almost like I’m sifting through degrees of information piled into my brain since I was born and freely choosing the ones that rest well with my soul.
“So, you’re saying God created Satan?”
Yes, I’m saying that God created Satan, IF you believe in the existence of Satan.
Personally, I don’t know anyone who has seen or met this character named Satan, but everyone has seen and experienced the Creator’s “Love creations” because it exist all around us and continues to evolve, balance itself out, and expand.
If the Creator (God) is Love, then how can Love create “evil”? The “how” is not what’s necessary to to know or understand in order to accept that IF “evil” does exist, then it TOO is created by the Creator, who is the CREATOR of ALL things.
It’s really nothing to debate about when you accept that everything is created by the energy of creation… Who is the CREATOR. So, nothing in this world should be considered “bad” or “evil” if God, the Creator created it.
“Wait a minute that’s false! What about people who kill other people?! What about rapist? And terrorist? Isn’t that evil?!” I can hear the thoughts of the millions of people reading this…
Well of course it is! According to Webster’s dictionary, the word evil means 1. morally reprehensible 2. arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct.
Speaking as a person who used to be very Christian, I myself would often label things as evil when I knew in my heart they were not morally right, according to my perspective of course. For example, Sex. Is sex evil? Well, that depends on your perspective of choice, your religion, your culture, the way your parents raised you, and a number of factors.
The “act” of sex and SEX itself are two different things. Why do I say this? Because the Creator created SEX, and it becomes EVIL once our perspectives, morals and values, religious beliefs are attached to the ACT itself. The same thing goes for the people, that the creator created, who are rapist, murderers, terrorist, etc. If they exist, we should accept them as beings of the Creators creations and LOVE THEM!
Just because you don’t agree with someone’s actions, ways, or even understand why their doing “evil” things, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t love them. In fact, one of my favorite messages of Jesus was that we should LOVE OUR ENEMIES and get them help! (Mathew 5:44) Hurt people are the only people on the face of the earth that hurt other people.
See, the reason why I believe that Jesus life saved me, isn’t because the bible says he died on the cross, it’s not because the Christian community says that if I don’t accept him as the son of God and the ONLY way, then I’m going to go to hell… It’s, in fact, because of his message.
His message was (and still is) LOVE. As a Jewish man who studied several different religious practices while he lived, Jesus was a man that I believe understood that God, the Creator, was inside of him. His life’s message was not to bring religion called “Christianity” and it wasn’t a message that said promoted “evil” by saying we should respond to evil with evil. In fact, he practiced responding to evil with LOVE which is from the CREATOR, WHO IS THE TRUTH OF ALL THINGS.
Jesus himself said, the greatest commandment was to LOVE the CREATOR with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, and with your entire mind.
Now, let’s stop here for a second. When we LOVE someone, if they bring us a present for our birthdays that we don’t like, would we throw it back at them and say this is wrong?! No, OF COURSE NOT! So why are we throwing things, ideas, cultures, people that EXIST ALREADY back in the CREATORS face? They exist for a reason! Otherwise, they would NOT exist!
The creator created EVERYTHING. Why are we so critical and comfortable with judging His creations? He created all the religions, all the perspectives, all the opinions, all the positive energy, all the negative energy, all that was, and all that will be.
Fascinatingly enough, Jesus says the second greatest commandment is to LOVE your neighbor as yourself. From my understanding, Jesus wasn’t the first to say this. In fact according to the Torah, which is the old testament of the bible that Christians follow, the first commandment is to, “HAVE no other God’s before me,” which to me simply means that there is ONE CREATOR, who is the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, so don’t accept the concept that there’s more than ONE.
SO, why are there so many traditions that FORGET that there is ONE CREATOR? If every person can accept that there is ONE CREATIVE ENERGY THAT CREATED ALL THINGS, then we wouldn’t be critical of the things the CREATOR created, including the people who see the CREATOR in their own ways.
The CREATOR has creatively created all the creations of the world as it is FOR A REASON. This is an eternal CREATIVE process that exists on so many levels. Think about the different worlds of creations right here on this planet that we DON’T know about. The Creator’s creations are endless and we should honor and love them all!!
I agree to a certain degree.. if you say you believe in Jesus the Christ as your Lord and Savior, then it would be a contradiction to believe in any other religious leaders, gods etc. or accept all others as truth...Christianity gets a bad wrap, because most people only see it as a religion...truthfully, Christianity is a WAY of life, a lifestyle..its greater than a religion, or system of beliefs...despite man's atrocious mishandling of God's word with wars, destruction, manipulation etc, the truth still stands...don't not call yourself a Christian because of man's error...a Christian is simply a follower of Christ...if you believe in Jesus, then embrace Christianity whole heartedly : )
ReplyDeleteI have to say that after reading this, I can agree partially to this particular post. The message of Jesus is Love, and his purpose was to deliver a message (change the traditions/laws that were required for salvation before he arrived) but also to provide a way for us to be saved trough His death and resurrection. Without believing in this, the belief in the story of Jesus is incomplete. So there has to be an existance of evil, for wothout it there is no need for
ReplyDeleteSalvation. What are you being saved from? Matthew 13:49-50 says, "This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." these are Jesus' words. In face about 13% of the verses in which Jesus spoke described Hell. Now there are arguments that pose that hell as describled ia merely eternal separation from God forever thereby resulting in darkness (away from the light of God) and fire (decomposition of the soul) not as a literal firepit. I tend to believe this, basically it states that by us choosing to be iur own god, therefore choosing not to allow God to be that, we CHOOSE to be eternally separated it is descibed as an intense thirst (the same a jesus felt on the cross when God forsook him for that time; the pain was intense that the physical pan done in comparison was simply minute). You go on forever living your choice of separation thus being tormented but not being able to attenuate that emptiness as result of the void. Imagine no end to depression...its like thay times infinity. So the eternal damnation seems far fetched but not so much, because we would have to make thay choice. And Jesus speaking about the antichrist in revelation, isn't that Satan? So I'm just a little confused as to where the belief of Satan is in question. Are you saying that the belief in
Satan is a choice if you follow this philosophy that you're presentig? I need clarification.
I also agree with the fact that we have no business judging his creations or anyone else, this will call for a totally different aspect on life and is thrapeutic and a healthy practice. So you make good points about love and not callig yourself a Christian, because Jesus isn't a Christian..hehe. Afterall it is a religious practice, thus having a label, multiple denomination, and systematically programmed by man in some cases to manipulate. Just think Ghanfi said 'I like your Christ, I don't like your Christians. Your Christians are so different from your Christ.' interesting. But anyway, I just would like more clarification about a few of your points. :0)
To both of you, PBNJ and Jd: thank you for taking the time to read my post (it was quite long lol) and for taking the time to respond! That gives me the warm fuzzies inside. The Creator of all things, including your perspectives and mine has blessed us all with our individual perspectives and revelations. I will never say that you are "wrong" for having found an understanding that rest well in your heart. The passage I wrote yesterday titled "I am not a Christian" is the space that I believe with all my heart and soul is where I was personally led to be at this EXACT time in my life... And I feel and know that I have entered into a new space, evolved from the foundations that came before, that I know has brought me closer to the Creator.
ReplyDeleteTo PBNJ, I agree with you :-) In addition to your perspective, I think it's also important to make sure that as a "Christian" according to your definition, lol not the religious version, we should embrace what the CREATOR has allowed us to understand and show LOVE in every way we know how to because, simply, that's what we believe the Creator wants us to do:-) so LOVE people for who they are, and TRUST in the Creator enough to know that HE'S got it all under control
To Jed: as I mentioned in my blog, of course "evil" exist but when we walk in love, there's no reason to recognize it as "evil" because by walking in love we CONQOUR all things:) even when Jesus was approached by Satan after fasting for 40 days, he responded to Satan with Love, which is the truth. Lol. Clearly he could've sent angels from heaven to defeat him right then and there but instead he chose to educate him by telling him the simple Truth. So to answer your question, sure evil exist, but I dont look at evil people or things that come into my life through the eyes of judgement anymore, but through the eyes of LOVE. I have to love my enemies... And help them.. Turn the other cheek and walking with The Creator of these "evil" people, I trust that if they are in my life then they are meant to be there as an opportunity to show the Creators love, just like Jesus does!!! Freedom!!! That's being saved for me!! (that's what has been communicated to my soul) and if you still dont understand or if you understand but dissgree, the only thing i ask is for you to LOVE ME as I am. If you truly love me, which I know you do, trust The creator that created me to have a view this point of view... I feel exhilerated! I've never been this happy and free! Thank you in advance for your support!!
Hmm a good post, and like the other two people I can agree with you Priscilla to a point. Some of the wording is a bit "open to interpretation" and I don't know if that is just a way of talking to people without having them put the labels and preconceived notions on who/what you are and what you believe. God is the awesome CREATOR of all things, who made us and loves everyone, even Lucifer (Satan) who started out as one of His Top Angels before his heart changed from serving God to wanting to be God.
ReplyDeleteIt is nice to not want to step on toes, but in some ways you are watering down some truths, now I am writing this at work so maybe I should give it another read at home and add more.
Love ya girl, keep up the posts!